Optimal Vitamin C
Potent, chewable vitamin C sourced from whole foods
Natural antioxidant to neutralize damaging free radicals
Nutritionally supports a healthy immune system
Complete formula containing all 4 parts of vitamin C, as nature intended
Potent, chewable vitamin C sourced from whole foods
Natural antioxidant to neutralize damaging free radicals
Nutritionally supports a healthy immune system
Complete formula containing all 4 parts of vitamin C, as nature intended
Potent, chewable vitamin C sourced from whole foods
Natural antioxidant to neutralize damaging free radicals
Nutritionally supports a healthy immune system
Complete formula containing all 4 parts of vitamin C, as nature intended
Complete, Multi-Part Vitamin
In nature, Vitamin C is more than just ascorbic acid (it’s also rutin, bioflavonoid, and J&K Factor). Our formula contains and delivers all four parts.
Safely Non-Synthetic
It is the safest form of Vitamin C compared to all others because it is built using whole food ingredients - nothing synthetic.
Neutralize Aging Factors
Because of its ability to neutralize free radicals, Whole C prevents disease and premature aging.
Natural Cold Fighter
Whole C is wonderful for fighting off colds, and has been effectively shown by studies done for decades to treat and prevent colds effectively.
By Optimal Health Systems, Arizona USA